Barabri Party Pakistan

Barabri Party Pakistan

Chairman Jawad Ahmad
Co. Rai M. Kamran Ali Naz khan Bhatti

 Why A New Political Party?

At this time politics in Pakistan is revolving around personal interests and role of money and power. All major parties are controlled and led by large land owners, industrialists, businessmen, mafias and other rich and influential people or their representatives. All decisions are made by this small elite group. And by necessity, these decisions are in the interest of this elite group. Politics has become a business. Thus Barabri Party Pakistan was established to be the party of middle and working class and youth, which make up 99 percent of population. Barabri Party Pakistan wants to change that. It wants to put 99 percent in the driving seat.

Rai Mohammad Kamran Ali naz khan Bhatti



Healthcare is accepted as a human right worldwide. It is state’s responsibility to ensure that all citizens have access to quality healthcare on equality basis. Right now the problems are not just access to healthcare but substandard healthcare professionals who actually cause more harm than help. Problem is much more severe and acute in rural areas which have been neglected in all aspects of life by all previous governments. Healthcare has become more of a business than service.
Healthcare has to be viewed in totality. The areas to be addressed are:
Public education about health related issues and preventive measures
Policy re acute and communicable diseases
Policy re chronic diseases
Education and training of healthcare providers including doctors, nurses, technicians and others. At this time there are no standards and guidelines which are enforced to maintain quality.
Healthcare facilities need to be upgraded Diagnostic facilities should be accessible Gap between rural and urban areas need to be narrowed.

Vice Chairman Dr shehnaz khan


Equality of access to quality education and to all sources of knowledge is a human right as without it fundamental human mind cannot reach its full potential.


If there is one thing that determines the future trajectory and fate of nations, that is the right kind of education. It is the vehicle through which people’s talents are unleashed and skills developed and upon which success of individuals and nations depends. But unless we are clear in our mind what is the goal of education we will not be able to devise the right strategy, policy and plan and get the desired results.

First step then is to define “education”. What education is NOT:

It is not simply literacy or the three Rs traditionally associated with it—Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, rather these are just the building blocks and initial steps towards attaining the ultimate goal.
It is not simply a set of skills to perform certain tasks efficiently and with competence like becoming a doctor, engineer, car mechanic or plumber etc.
It is not just knowing and memorizing certain facts about various subjects like history, astronomy, physics etc.
Education should not be simply a desire and vehicle to get the best paying jobs in the marketplace, neither should it be up for sale for the highest paying customers.
So, the question arises, what is education? We believe that education is:

Broadening of the mind
Cultivation of interest to learn
Developing analytical skills and critical thinking
Desire to search for truth
Creativity and out of box thinking
Developing tolerance for different opinions, faiths and ideologies
Becoming intellectually, emotionally and socially connected with one’s environment and being able to influence it positively
It is not wisdom but it is a road to achieving wisdom.
A road to deliberate and thoughtful living and not just making a living.
And above all to be a good human being, sensitive and empathetic to others’ plight, and be willing to help
The opposite side of the coin is that lack of education is not simply absence of reading or writing ability. It has much more serious and far reaching consequences. It leads to disempowerment and exclusion of people from decision making, exclusion from political discourse, and inability to effectively participate in democratic process. An illiterate person also has no access to information as they cannot read newspapers, books and any other printed or on-line material. No person can reach their full potential without education.

Seen from this perspective an educated mind is indispensable not only for individual progress but also that of society, and it becomes state’s responsibility to ensure equal access of all citizens to quality education.

Rai Mohammad Kamran Ali naz khan Bhatti


Economy should work for all citizens. Everyone should have a share in it on an equitable basis. Inequality in this system gives rise to social ills, unrest in the society and conflict.

Contribute To Barabri Party Pakistan

Barabri Party is party of middle class, working class and the young and is supported by them and is not sponsored by any capitalist group. To contribute yours and joining please use methods mentioned below contact and join party.



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